Save-A-Lot Pay Schedule 2025

Save-A-Lot pays its employees on weekly basis. Save-A-Lot, Inc. operates a grocery store chain. The Company’s product lines include bread, drinks, canned and packaged goods, cleaning, fruits, dairy, ingredients, vegetables, and meat and seafood. Save-A-Lot is a retailer based in the United States.

Save-A-Lot Average Salary

Save-A-Lot’s annual compensation ranges from around $18,933 for Assistant General Manager to $156,207 for Regional Director. The average hourly wage at Save-A-Lot ranges from around $8.68 for Stockers to $28.58 for Packers.

Please keep in mind that these numbers are supplied to users solely for the purpose of making general comparisons. Because the minimum wage differs by authority, you should first confirm your earnings with your employer.

Save-A-Lot Pay Schedule 2025

Does Save-A-Lot pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a weekly pay schedule. However, the compensation schedule may vary based on the state’s labor laws.

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