WEC Energy Group Pay Schedule 2025 – WEC Energy Group is among the major electric and natural gas distribution firms in the United States, having the operational skills, scale, and financial resources necessary to satisfy a nation’s future energy needs. They place a premium on dependability, client satisfaction, and shareholder return. They have the honor of providing important services to almost 4.4 million people in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota.
WEC Energy Group Average Salary
WEC Energy Group employees earn an average of $71,001 per year or $34.14 per hour. If you are in the top 10% of earners, you can expect to earn an average of more than $125,000 per year, while those in the bottom 10% of earners may earn less than $40,000 per year. Your line of employment may also influence your compensation at WEC Energy Group. The highest-paying organizational activities at WEC Energy Group are Business Development, which pays an average of $117,146 per year, and Finance, which pays an average of $97,530 per year. Geographic location might also influence the remuneration of WEC Energy Group workers.
Please keep in mind that these numbers are just offered to users to enable for broad comparisons. Because each state’s minimum wage is different, you should first ask your employer for an accurate breakdown of your earnings.
WEC Energy Group Pay Schedule 2025
Biweekly WEC Energy Group Pay Schedule 2025. Use this for reference only. More detail, please contact WEC Energy Group.
Does WEC Energy Group pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. The compensation schedule, however, may vary based on the state’s labor laws.