KBR Inc pays its employees on biweekly basis. KBR, Inc. supplies government and commercial global customers with scientific, technological, and engineering solutions. Government Solutions and Sustainable Technology Solutions are the company’s segments. Government Solutions provides life-cycle support for defense, intelligence, space, aviation, and other military and government projects and missions in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Among its many services: research and development; advanced prototypes; acquisition support; systems engineering; cyber analytics; space domain awareness; space-based awareness; test and evaluation; systems integration and program management; global supply chain management; and operations readiness support. A portfolio of almost 70 patented process technologies for ammonia/syngas/fertilizers, chemicals/petrochemicals, clean refining, and circular process/circular economy solutions comprise the Sustainable Technology Solutions business.
KBR Inc Average Salary
KBR’s national average compensation is $55,645 per year or $26.75 per hour. If you are in the top 10% of earners, you can hope to earn an average of more than $101,000 each year, whereas if you are in the bottom 10% of earners, you may earn less than $30,000 per year. KBR employees in various functions often receive a range of wages. Engineers make an average pay of $90,454 per year. The average salary for IT professionals is $89,847. Geographic location can also have an impact on the income of KBR personnel.
Please keep in mind that these numbers are supplied to users solely for the purpose of making general comparisons. Because the minimum wage differs by authority, you should first confirm your earnings with your employer.
KBR Inc Pay Schedule 2025
Biweekly KBR Inc Pay Schedule 2025. Use this for reference only. More detail, please contact KBR Inc.
Does KBR Inc pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. However, the compensation schedule may vary based on the state’s labor laws.