Eversource Energy Pay Schedule 2025 – Eversource Energy is a natural gas and electricity producing, transmission, and distribution company. It functions through the following areas: distribution of electricity, transmission of electricity, distribution of water, and distribution of natural gas. Electric Distribution is responsible for the distribution of power to retail customers.
Eversource Energy Average Salary
Eversource Energy employees earn an average of $52,961 a year or $25.46 an hour on a nationwide level. When you’re in the top 10% of earners, then you can expect to earn an average of more than $103,000 a year, while those in the poorest 10% of earners may earn just under $26,000 a year. Eversource Energy personnel in various functions often receive a range of wages. Engineers make an average pay of $87,069. The average salary for information technology professionals is $77,580.
Please keep in mind that these numbers are just offered to users to enable for broad comparisons. Because the minimum wage differs by area, you must first confirm your earnings with your employer.
Eversource Energy Pay Schedule 2025
Biweekly Eversource Energy Pay Schedule 2025. Use this for reference only. More detail, please contact Eversource Energy.
Does Eversource Energy pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. However, the wage schedule may fluctuate depending on the state in where they are employed.