ADOA Payroll Calendar – Companies in Arizona need to abide by federal base pay regulations, which presently sets the federal base pay at $7.25.
Starting on January 1, 2025, Arizona’s base pay will undoubtedly increase yearly on January 1. The quantity of the base pay boost will be based on the amount boost in the expense of living starting from August to August of the previous year. The percent modification in the cost of living will be determined by utilizing the price index.
In case that a company picks to pay workers base pay, the company should pay those staff members following the base pay regulation, either federal or perhaps state, which leads to the staff members being paid the greater wage. In most Arizona circumstances, the Arizona base pay will use as it typically ensures a greater wage rate for staff members than federal policy.
A payroll calendar is essentially a tool which outlines the beginning and end dates of various pay periods and employee hours. Employers may utilize payroll calendars to track when they should collect next pay period’s employee hours and run payroll for that period. To comply with various laws such as the FCRA, federal and state laws require companies to use electronic filing of federal and state tax forms. This enables employers to file federal and state tax forms in a paperless manner.
ADOA Payroll Calendar 2025
ADOA Payroll Calendar 2025