Magellan Health Pay Schedule 2025 – Magellan Health is a managed care organization that specializes even in the most complex sectors of healthcare. Through its worldwide third-party provider network, the organization manages mental health plans, employee support programs, and work/life initiatives. Magellan also manages radiology benefits, specialized pharmaceuticals, and Medicaid. Health plans as well as other managed care organizations, businesses, labor unions, different military and governmental entities, and third-party administrators are among Magellan Health’s clientele. In Magellan’s Pharmacy Management segment, they offer benefits management, dispensing, administration, and clinical programs, as well as medical pharmacy management, care coordination, and clinical programs.
Magellan Health Average Salary
Magellan Health employees earn an average of $46,505 a year, or $22.36 an hour. Bottom 10% earn less than $22,000 a year, while the highest 10% earn more than $96,000 a year. Magellan Health staff with varying responsibilities often earn varying wages. Engineers make an average pay of $86,224. The average salary for marketing professionals is $81,890. Geographic location might also influence the remuneration of Magellan Health personnel.
Please keep in mind that these numbers are offered to users solely for the purpose of facilitating broad comparisons. As the minimum wage differs from state to state, it is important to verify with your company for specifics.
Magellan Health Pay Schedule 2025
Biweekly Magellan Health Pay Schedule 2025. Use this for reference only. More detail, please contact Magellan Health.
Does Magellan Health pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. Where people work can influence the compensation schedule, as might local regulations regarding labor laws.