Food Lion pays its employees on biweekly basis. Food Lion operates over 1,000 grocery shops and sells a variety of foods, fruit, home products, and medications. They are based in Salisbury, North Carolina, at the moment.
Food Lion Average Salary
Nationally, the average wage for a Food Lion employee is $29,598 a year, or $14.23 an hour. If you are in the top 10% of earners, you may expect to earn an average of more than $38,000 each year, while those in the bottom 10% of earners may earn less than $22,000 a year. Food Lion workers with varying organizational tasks typically earn varying wages as well. Employees in the Plant/Manufacturing department, for example, get an average annual pay of $49,363, while those in the Administrative function generally earn annual compensation of $31,111.
Please keep in mind that these numbers are supplied to users solely for the purpose of making general comparisons. Because the minimum wage differs by authority, you should first confirm your earnings with your employer.
Food Lion Pay Schedule 2025
Biweekly Food Lion Pay Schedule 2025. Use this for reference only. More detail, please contact Food Lion.
Does Food Lion pay weekly or biweekly? The employees’ salaries are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. However, the compensation schedule may vary based on the state’s labor laws.